Good design means it's easy-to-change

Posted on by Matthias Noback

Software development seems to be about change: the business changes and we need to reflect those changes, so the requirements or specifications change, frameworks and libraries change, so we have to change our integrations with them, etc. Changing the code base accordingly is often quite painful, because we made it resistant to change in many ways.

Can we consider DateTimeImmutable a primitive type?

Posted on by Matthias Noback

During a workshop we were discussing the concept of a Data Transfer Object (DTO). The main characteristic of a DTO is that it holds only primitive-type values (strings, integers, booleans), lists or maps of these values including "nested" DTOs. Not sure who came up with this idea, but I'm using it because it ensures that the DTO becomes a data structure that only enforces a schema (field names, the expected types, required fields, and optional fields), but doesn't enforce semantics for any value put into it. That way it can be created from any data source, like submitted form values, CLI arguments, JSON, XML, Yaml, and so on. Using primitive values in a DTO makes it clear that the values are not validated. The DTO is just used to transfer or carry data from one layer to the next. A question that popped up during the workshop: can we consider DateTimeImmutable a primitive-type value too? If so, can we use this type inside DTOs?

I thought it was an interesting question to explore. I'd like to say "No" immediately, but why?

Is it a DTO or a Value Object?

Posted on by Matthias Noback

A common misunderstanding in my workshops (well, whose fault is it then? ;)), is about the distinction between a DTO and a value object. And so I've been looking for a way to categorize these objects without mistake.